Recruitment Instructions
Information for new applicants
Kenya (select agricultural colleges):
Kenyan citizens who wish to apply for a place on the Seasonal Worker Scheme must have graduated from one of our partner colleges in the past two years.
All recent graduates of those institutions will receive a registration link prior to the commencement of each HOPS recruitment round in Kenya.
Those who decide to apply will be required to visit their college admissions office to confirm that they did in fact complete a course of study there.
Applicants will be invited to attend an interview with a member of the HOPS team. Interviews are held at one of our affiliated colleges.
Successful applicants will be invited to work on one of HOPS’ partner farms in the UK. Recruits will then receive assistance with their pre-departure preparations.
Kyrgyz citizens who wish to apply for a place on the Seasonal Worker Scheme should wait for the Centre for Employment of Citizens Abroad to post a registration link on https://migrant.kg/kg/.
This registration link will only remain active for a short period of time. Applicants will be prompted to fill out a short online form.
Applicants who progress beyond the registration stage will be invited to take an online Russian test. Intermediate-level Russian is a strict requirement for all applicants.
Applicants who demonstrate a strong grasp of Russian will be invited for interview in Bishkek. The interview will be conducted in Russian and will be filmed in order to safeguard the integrity of our selection process.
Successful candidates will be invited to work on one of HOPS’ partner farms in the UK. Recruits will then receive assistance with their pre-departure preparations.
Важное уведомление для граждан Узбекистана:
Дорогие заявители, в связи с большим количеством достоверных сообщений о вмешательстве третьих лиц в процесс регистрации, прошедший в пятницу, 10 января, HOPS вынужден перенести предстоящий этап набора в Узбекистане.
Хотя мы понимаем, что это станет большим разочарованием для тех, кто зарегистрировался в пятницу, мы обязаны обеспечить надежность и прозрачность нашего процесса набора.
Если у вас есть доказательства того, что третьи лица взимали деньги за обеспечение места в программе сезонных рабочих Великобритании, и вы хотите помочь в нашем текущем расследовании, мы призываем вас написать нам в complaints@hopsls.com.
Обратите внимание, что в настоящее время мы не можем отвечать на общие запросы. Спасибо за понимание.
Information for returnees
All countries:
Prospective returnee workers – except under exceptional circumstances – must receive an invitation from a farm they have previously worked on.
Prospective returnees must therefore let their former manager know that they wish to participate in the SWS again, and enquire as to whether the farm would like to invite them back.
If the farm agrees to invite a worker back, it will inform HOPS of the decision. The worker will then receive a new invitation, with all the relevant placement information, via the Gateway.